Connect to AT&T Network
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Connect to AT&T Network

This article describes how to connect to a network.

When your device is powered on, it automatically searches for and connects to the AT&T mobile broadband network. There are four LED lights located on the front of the device. Wait for the gateway to power up. Once the gateway is powered up, the LED Status Lights will turn solid. This will take approximately 2 minutes. A green LED light indicates a strong signal, blue LED light indicates a fair signal, and a red LED light indicates a weak signal.
Note: This device comes with a pre-installed SIM, however, should you need to replace your SIM, visit the Device Assembly tutorial. For optimal placement, place your 5G Gateway on a higher shelf and near a window. Try to avoid placing the device near items that may interfere with wireless network signal, such as large appliances, microwaves, stone or concrete walls, metal cabinets, computer monitors or televisions screens. To learn more about the AT&T network, visit

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