In this tutorial, you will learn how to:


• Access photos and videos
• Add captions to photos and videos
• Save photos to iCloud
• Browse by topic
• Pin, Customize & Reorder a Collection


Access photos and videos

1. From the home screen, select the camera app Camera app.

2. Select the Preview icon.
Note: Alternately, from the home screen select the photos app Photos app.

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Add captions to photos and videos

1. Adding captions allows you to easily search for your photos and videos. To add a caption, from the home screen, select the photos app Photos app.

2. Navigate to and select the desired photo, then swipe up from the desired photo 

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3. Select the Add a Caption field, then enter the desired caption or label. When finished, select Done.

Note: With iCloud Photos enabled, captions will sync seamlessly across all your devices.

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4. To search for a photo or video, from the photos app Photos app select the Search icon then select the search field. Enter part or all of the desired caption. All pictures meeting your search terms will be displayed

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Save photos to iCloud

1. From the home screen, select the settings app Settings app.

2. Scroll to and select Apps. Scroll to and select Photos.

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3.  Ensure that the on switch iCloud Photos switch is in the On position. 


Note: iCloud will automatically upload and safely store all of your photos and videos so you can browse, search and share from any of your devices. Learn more from the Apple websites iCloud Setup and iCloud Support. Sign in to iCloud from a computer at


Browse by topic

1. The new Photos app keeps your library organized and makes it super easy to find photos fast. Its gorgeous yet familiar look puts everything you want right at your fingertips, so you can spend less time searching and more time enjoying your memories. From the home screen, select the  photos app Photos app.


2. Tap the Search icon at the top of the screen.


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3. Enter a keyword (such as Recent Days, Trips, People or Pets) related to the photo you want to find. The results will be displayed.


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Pin, Customize & Reorder a Collection

PIN A COLLECTION: 1. Collections automatically organizes your library by theme, so you can check out your recent days, people and pets, trips, and more. From the  photos app Photos app, scroll to and select the Modify option next to Pinned Collections.


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2. Select the collection you want to add.


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Note: Favorites was selected.


3. The collection will be displayed under Pinned Collections.


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CUSTOMIZE & REORDER A COLLECTION: 1. Reorder Collections and choose items to keep at your fingertips in Pinned Collections, so you can quickly get to the content you care about most, whether that’s photos of your dog or your friends, photos you’ve recently edited, or even screenshots or receipts. From the Photos app, scroll to and select Customize & Reorder. Select the Checkmark icon next to the desired collection to show or hide the collection. Select and drag the desired collection to the desired location.


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