How does AT&T manage congestion with respect to its mass market broadband internet access services?

AT&T strives to provide a high-quality internet experience for all of our customers. Because the internet consists of multiple interconnected networks and most internet end points (e.g., websites and other content providers) are not directly connected to the AT&T network, AT&T must connect to and exchange traffic with other networks to provide its subscribers the capability of uploading data to or downloading data from internet end points that are connected to those networks. To that end, AT&T has entered into commercially negotiated agreements to exchange traffic with those networks (and the networks with which those networks are connected) on mutually agreeable terms. The links AT&T and other networks use to exchange such traffic may become congested at times. Consistent with its agreements with those other networks and its long-standing practice, AT&T may establish or expand the connections between its network and other networks, but only on mutually agreeable terms. If AT&T is unable to reach agreement on terms of interconnection or network expansion with these other networks, it could affect customers’ ability to upload or download data to internet endpoints connected to those networks. AT&T does not guarantee that it will establish or expand the connections between its network and other networks, or that subscribers will be able to upload data to or download data from internet end points connected to other networks at any particular speed.

In addition, like the other networks that make up the internet, the AT&T network is a shared network, which means that the transmission links and other network resources used to provide broadband services are shared among AT&T’s subscribers, as well as among the various services offered by AT&T. Temporary congestion may occur when a large number of customers in a concentrated area access the network at the same time or when some customers consume a very large amount of network capacity during busy periods, such as at stadium events, during peak usage times, or during planned network maintenance.

AT&T invests billions of dollars annually to address potential congestion in its broadband networks. As is common in the industry, we use network management practices and other tools to manage network resources for the benefit of all of our broadband customers, especially during periods when network demand exceeds available network resources (also known as “contention congestion” or “congestion”). As you would expect, our network management practices and our service offerings have evolved over time to benefit our customers and take advantage of the billions we have spent to expand and augment our networks. These network management practices fall into two broad categories: (a) network management practices that are used at all times, or nearly all times, to avoid congestion on the network and optimize the provision of multiple services over a single network (for example, Class of Service Network Management, as described below) and (b) network management practices that are used only when congestion is actively occurring within the AT&T network (for example, Congestion-based Network Management).

Class of Service Network Management. AT&T offers a wide variety of services to its customers that share network resources with its broadband internet access services, including but not limited to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Internet Protocol (IP)-video, unified messaging, Voice over LTE (VoLTE), enterprise networking, public safety (including FirstNet®), and national security services. AT&T offers a variety of wireless broadband internet access services, such as AT&T Internet AirTM, AT&T Internet AirTM for Business Premium and AT&T Business Unlimited Premium, and service add-ons, such as AT&T Turbo, that share network resources with its other broadband internet access services. These services may rely on class of service, scheduler weighting or other related network management practices to ensure that services sharing network resources are able meet their relevant service requirements (“Class of Service Management”). Use of services with Class of Service Management may affect the availability of network resources for the other broadband internet access services that share network resources and thus may impact service performance. For example, your service may be interrupted, delayed, or otherwise limited in the event of a disaster or emergency or during periods of congestion to accommodate the needs of national security and emergency preparedness personnel using FirstNet services with Class of Service Management.

Congestion-based Network Management. One network management practice we use to manage our wireless network resources may affect consumer and business customers with AT&T post-paid and AT&T PREPAIDSM unlimited mobile data plans (“AT&T Unlimited Data Plans”) and consumer and business customers with AT&T Internet Air and AT&T Internet Air for Business fixed mobile data services (collectively, “AT&T Internet Air Services”). During periods of congestion, these customers may experience reduced data speeds and increased latency as compared to other customers using the same cell site (“Congestion-based Network Management”). Depending on the terms of the customer’s AT&T Unlimited Data Plan or AT&T Internet Air Service, they may either be subject to Congestion-based Network Management all the time (for example, with AT&T Unlimited Starter SL, AT&T Business Unlimited Standard, with AT&T Internet Air, and AT&T Internet Air for Business Standard plans) or be subject to it only after they have used a set amount of data in a billing period (for example, after 75GB of data for AT&T Unlimited Extra EL, after 50GB of data for AT&T Business Unlimited Advanced, or after 250GB of data for AT&T Internet Air for Business Premium). As always, even when subject to these Congestion-based Network Management practices, customers on these plans have the comfort of knowing that, no matter how much data they use in a billing cycle, they will never be subject to overage charges and will pay a single monthly rate. That is our essential promise with these services. Reduced speeds and increased latency may cause web sites to load more slowly or affect the performance of data-heavy activities such as interactive gaming. Customers subject to this type of Congestion-based Network Management may experience relative reduced speeds and increased latency when they use data at a cell site experiencing congestion. After the congestion at the cell site abates, or if the customer’s session migrates to an uncongested cell site, speeds and latency are not affected by that congestion. In addition, this type of Congestion-based Network Management practice causes impact based only on the amount of congestion, which can start and stop over a very short time period (often measured in fractions of a second), further minimizing any customer impact. Because the amount of congestion at a cell site can vary significantly, the performance impact for affected customers may also vary, and such impact will last as long as the site is congested.

For customers on mass market broadband internet access plans subject to a data usage threshold for triggering the foregoing Congestion-based Network Management practice, we will notify them during each billing cycle when their usage reaches 75% of their threshold (so, for example, 16.5GB for plans with a 22GB threshold and 37.5GB for plans with a 50GB threshold) so they can adjust their usage to avoid network management practices that may result in slower data speeds.

In rare instances, some consumer customers with AT&T Internet Air may experience Congestion-based Network Management which significantly reduces speeds to as low as 512 Kbps for a minimum of 30 minutes. Impacts to an individual customer’s AT&T Internet Air service may vary depending on the extent of congestion on the impacted cell site and the customer’s contribution to that congestion. At such reduced speeds, some internet uses including streaming, browsing, video conferencing, and uploading or downloading large files will be impaired and may not function properly.

Buffer Tuning. With the ever-increasing growth in smartphone and tablet usage on our wireless networks, and the growing prevalence of video downloads, AT&T has deployed a reasonable network management video optimization technique in our mobile data network. That technique delivers recorded video to the user's device in a "just in time" fashion (“Buffer Tuning”). Buffer Tuning only applies to internet browser traffic (HTTP, port 80) for recorded video downloads, regardless of the source (including AT&T branded or 3rd party content) and does not affect real-time streaming video. Without Buffer Tuning, video content may be completely delivered to the device and charged against the user's data plan regardless of whether it is viewed. With Buffer Tuning, a sufficient amount of video is delivered to the device so that the user can start viewing the video, and the remainder of the video is delivered just in time to the device as needed for uninterrupted viewing. This optimizes the user's data plan consumption. Additionally, this frees up network resources for all users. Buffer Tuning does not alter video content and should not directly introduce any adverse impact to the viewing experience.

Video Management. Another network management practice we use to efficiently manage our wireless network resources is Video Management, which is a feature we offer on most of our wireless data plans. By default, we aim to render content identified as streaming video in standard-definition (max of 2Mbps for customers on both a 5G enabled device and rate plan or 1.5Mbps for devices or plans not compatible with 5G), which is generally well suited to viewing on a smartphone. Plans that only include standard-definition (SD) streaming always have Video Management turned on, while other plans with HD or 4K UHD allow customers to manage and change Video Management settings online. Some video cannot be identified as video, and some video may be streamed faster or at higher definition. Sometimes, other content that content providers bundle with streaming video (such as video downloads, catalogs, lenses, and filters) may be impacted and slowed. Streaming and video resolution may vary depending on our capacity to identify it as such and are affected by other factors; and other restrictions may apply. For example, in instances where a content provider uses the same server name identification (SNI) or URL to deliver both streaming video and downloadable video, Video Management may treat the downloadable video and thereby affect the speed of the video download. If two or more tethered devices are watching video from the same source at the same time, we may identify it as a single video and slow the speeds collectively to a max of the speeds explained above, which may impair a customer’s ability to watch video on these tethered devices. Customers can pause video on all but one of the tethered devices, watch video from different sources, or if able to manage video settings online, a customer may turn off Video Management to resolve this issue. Turning off Video Management may resolve this or other issues, and customers with this ability to manage settings online may also turn it off at any time to experience higher definition video (for example HD or 4K as applicable by your plan). With the feature turned off, a customer may use more data. More information is available at If you are a provider of streaming video content and have questions about our video management policy, please contact us at

Does AT&T limit data usage? Does AT&T provide any tools to help customers monitor and control their data usage?

We have developed speed tiers for our wired and data plans for our mobile broadband internet access services so that our customers can choose from a variety of speed tiers or rate plans that best reflect their own usage levels, and the manner in which they intend to use their service. For example, some AT&T data plans designated for use only with a basic phone or smartphone may not be used with a LaptopConnect card, tablet, or stand-alone mobile hotspot device. However, customers wishing to use their service in such a manner, such as with a mobile hotspot device, may purchase other plans that permit such use. AT&T provides usage calculators, alerts, and other tools for our wired and mobile broadband internet access services to assist customers in estimating their anticipated usage levels. For more information, please click here (wired) and here (mobile). In addition, we send notices to customers of applicable usage thresholds for our tiered wired and mobile services. Many of AT&T’s Internet, Broadband, or Fiber plans for businesses have no data caps or data usage plans.

We have some post-paid mobile plans that provide customers allotments of high speed data they may share among different devices on the plan (for example, our AT&T 4GB plan and our grandfathered Mobile Share class of plans), and some of our AT&T PREPAIDSM plans (not including AT&T Wireless Internet or Mobile Hotspot) and plans available to business customers provide an allotment of high speed data to the specific line. Once customers on these plans exceed their allotments of high speed data –  which includes the plan data and, if applicable, any available Rollover Data or other data allotments customers may have – during a billing period, depending on their plan they can either continue to consume data at no extra charge, but at significantly lower speeds when connected to the cellular network, or they will automatically be charged an overage for an allotment of highspeed data (for example, $10 for 2GB for the AT&T 4GB plan). For customers on the former type of plan (those with no overage but significantly lower speeds after exhausting the monthly allotment of high-speed data) who use all available high speed data allotments in a billing cycle, the customer’s service over the cellular network will transmit data at a maximum of 128Kbps for the remainder of the billing cycle. Once speeds are limited like this, the customer’s connection over the cellular network should still allow viewing static web pages or checking email, but bandwidth-intensive activities such as audio and video streaming, picture and video messaging, and apps/services that use large amounts of data will be impacted and may not be fully functional. But, when the next billing cycle begins, the customer will once again have high speed data access. We will notify customers on mass market broadband internet access plans with this type of speed reduction during each billing cycle when their data usage reaches either 75% or 90% of their monthly high-speed allotment (or at both intervals), and when they reach 100% of their monthly high speed data allotment so that they are aware of their amount of data usage and can make adjustments to avoid slower speeds or data overage charges. When connected to a Wi-Fi network, the customer’s speed will not be impacted nor will overages apply, if applicable. For information regarding these types of post-paid Mobility plans and Rollover Data for consumers, click here (and see the 4GB Plan tab), and for AT&T PREPAIDSM plans, click here.

Another way we help wireless customers manage their data usage is through the Video Management feature summarized above.

As a benefit to America’s military veterans, AT&T has partnered with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide veterans subscribing to AT&T’s wireless services free, unlimited access to real-time video healthcare services through VA-approved telehealth applications, such as the VA’s Video Connect application. AT&T customers who are veterans can access and use such applications across AT&T’s wireless network without that usage counting against their plans’ data usage allowances. Providers of applications authorized by the VA to provide such access that are interested in partnering with AT&T to provide its subscribers free access to those applications may contact us to obtain information about how to do so. For more information on AT&T’s support for U.S. military veterans (and active military members), click here.

For those geographic areas that are not served by AT&T’s owned and operated mobile networks, we try to provide customers with data services through agreements with other carriers. The use of customers’ devices to access data over another carrier’s networks – both domestic and international – is called “off-net”, “off-network” or “roaming” usage. Our ability to make off-net or roaming services available to customers is based on a variety of dynamic factors, including business considerations, the terms of the agreements we have at any given time with other wireless carriers, and the network technology, frequency(ies) and functionality of those networks. We do not guarantee the availability, quality of coverage or speed for data services that are accessed using other carrier networks and we may reduce speeds to 2G speeds or suspend the data service available on these networks at any time without notice. We update our coverage maps regularly to show where we provide domestic off-net and international roaming services. To obtain the most recent coverage updates you may access the maps here.

How does AT&T handle alleged copyright infringement by subscribers to its broadband internet access services?

The AT&T Copyright Alert Program was established to respond to alleged copyright infringement activities using peer-to-peer file sharing and attempts to educate customers about the importance of protecting copyright and lawful use of content available over the internet. Under the program, content owners may notify AT&T of alleged copyright infringement based on the IP address of a user. AT&T then will attempt to identify a subscriber account based on that IP address and forward a copyright alert to the subscriber account, advising the account holder of the allegation and providing information about online copyright infringement. If a subscriber receives additional alerts, we may temporarily redirect the account holder’s broadband internet access service to a webpage where the account holder must review material on the importance of copyright and the lawful use of content available over the internet. Upon completion of this review, such redirection will be discontinued and the subscriber’s service will be restored to normal. After this stage, if a subscriber continues to receive additional alerts, then AT&T may take action consistent with Section 512(i) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which may result in termination of the subscriber/accountholder’s broadband internet access service. Account holders’ personally identifiable information is protected throughout this process — AT&T will not provide such information to content owners unless required to do so by court order. For more information about AT&T’s Copyright Alert Program, please go to:

Does AT&T favor certain websites or internet applications by blocking, throttling, or modifying particular protocols on its broadband internet access service?

No, AT&T does not favor certain websites or internet applications by blocking or throttling lawful internet traffic on the basis of content, application, service, user, or use of nonharmful devices on its broadband internet access services. Nor do we modify particular protocols, protocol ports, or protocol fields in ways not prescribed by the protocol standards. However, in response to a specific security threat against our network or our customers, AT&T may occasionally need to limit the flow of traffic from certain locations or take other appropriate actions. In addition, we prevent the use of certain ports on our wired and Wi-Fi broadband internet access services to help protect our customers and network against malicious activity, as discussed below.

Our mobile broadband internet access service data plans may include different speeds, video streaming quality, and other options for consumers to choose to the data plan that best fits their needs. For example, AT&T Unlimited Premium and AT&T Business Unlimited Advanced plans allow users to turn Video Management off and stream video in the highest quality available, depending on the resolution streaming video services deliver and what network conditions may be, while AT&T Unlimited Starter and AT&T Business Unlimited Standard plans allow for streaming Standard Definition (480p/DVD quality) video. Customers watching streaming video on a smartphone or other small hand-held device likely will not notice a significant difference between High-Definition and Standard Definition video quality, while those watching streaming video on a tablet or other larger device may prefer High-Definition video quality. For more information about our mobile broadband internet access service data plans available to consumers, please go to: For a selection of mobile broadband internet access service data plans available to small businesses online, please go to

Does AT&T directly or indirectly favor some traffic over other traffic (such as through prioritization, resource reservation, or traffic shaping) in its provision of broadband Internet access service either (1) in exchange for consideration (monetary or otherwise) from a third party, or (2) to benefit an affiliate?

No, in its provision of broadband internet access services, AT&T does not directly or indirectly favor some traffic over other traffic in exchange for consideration from a third party or to benefit an affiliate, except to address the needs of emergency communications, law enforcement, public safety (including FirstNet), or national security authorities, consistent with or as permitted by applicable law. 

What practices has AT&T adopted to manage network security?

AT&T takes the security of our customers and our network very seriously. We proactively monitor network activity to help guard against a wide range of security threats, including viruses, botnets, worms, distributed denial of service attacks, SPAM, and other harmful activity. We encourage customers to adopt their own security practices.

We use a variety of network tools to monitor network activity and health to maintain its stability and functionality, to protect the network against threats, and for other operational purposes. We store the information we gather through this monitoring for only as long as we have a business purpose to maintain it. The AT&T Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use and share this information. You can view AT&T’s Privacy Policy at:

If we detect a security threat, we will typically attempt to isolate the threat and minimize the impact to network service. We may use a variety of security measures to protect the network, including blocking malicious or unlawful traffic, redirecting the flow of traffic over some portions of our network, or taking other actions to address the threat. For example, as described in more detail below, we block certain ports that transfer malicious or disruptive traffic (such as Ports 25, 135, 139, 445, and 1900). We attempt to limit actions to the specific portions of our network or customer base impacted by the security threat and only for as long as necessary to mitigate the threat.

AT&T may scan or analyze network addresses that are registered through AT&T, including addresses that may have been delegated to customers, and/or routes that originate from AT&T-provided networks to detect vulnerabilities that might be used to compromise AT&T or customer assets or might be used in attacks against others. In doing so, we seek to avoid disrupting network service to customers. We may use information derived from these activities to identify and address security issues or to notify customers of issues.

As noted above, AT&T blocks certain ports that transfer malicious or disruptive traffic to protect our customers and our network. Below is more information about port blocking that is currently in place. We may block additional ports in the future based upon threat assessments.

Port 0/TCP: Port 0 is a reserved port. This port should not be used for any applications. Blocking protects our customers from potentially harmful types of network abuses.

Port 19/UDP: Port 19 Chargen is a protocol designed to generate a stream of characters for debugging and measurement. Because more recent tools have been developed for measurement and debugging purposes, blocking protects against use of this port in Reflective DDOS attacks.

Port 25/TCP: Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) is used to send email. Port 25/TCP may be blocked from customers with dynamically-assigned Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to protect systems from becoming a mail relay for SPAM. Customers can subscribe to AT&T SMTP services if they need to host an SMTP server on the internet.

Port 68/UDP: Port 68 is used to obtain dynamic IP address information from a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server. Port 68 may be blocked to eliminate the risk of exposure to a rogue DHCP server.

Port 123/UDP: Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to accurately synchronize computer time of day to a reference time server. Some aspects of Port 123 may be limited to minimize malicious use. Poorly-configured NTP servers can be used for Reflective DDOS attacks, and some devices provide NTP service inadvertently, which exacerbates the port’s malicious use.

Port 135/TCP: NetBIOS is a network file sharing protocol and is also known as Common Internet File System or LanManager. Blocking protects customers from exposing files unintentionally, worms, and viruses.

Port 139/TCP: NetBIOS is a network file sharing protocol and is also known as Common Internet File System or LanManager. Blocking protects customers from exposing critical system files unintentionally, which could give system access to a malicious actor.

Port 445/TCP: NetBIOS is a network file sharing protocol and is also known as Common Internet File System or LanManager. Blocking mitigates a potential threat to certain operating systems. Similar to our blocking of Ports 135 and 139, blocking Port 445 protects customers from exposing files unintentionally, worms, and viruses.

Port 520/UDP: RIPv1 - UDP port 520 is used by the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) to share network routing information. RIPv1 was designed to support route information sharing on small classful (class A, B, C, D) networks and has limited usefulness in today’s classless networks. Port 520 has been used by malicious actors to generate Reflective DDOS attacks.

Port 1900/UDP: Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a protocol standard designed to allow device discovery over a local network. Some home routers may expose this port to the internet, which could allow attackers to defeat the security attributes of Network Address Translation (NAT) and allow attackers to use the port for Reflective DDOS attacks.

Port 3479/TCP: Twrpc is a protocol used for remote management of end user devices. Blocking this port protects customers from improper use of the port, which can cause end user device instability.

Port 7547/TCP: CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP) is a protocol used for remote management of end user devices. Blocking this port protects customers from improper use of the port, which can cause end user device instability.

Port 49152/TCP, 49955/TCP, 50001/TCP, 51001-51003/TCP, 51010-51011/TCP, 51020/TCP: These ports are numbered from the dynamic/private ephemeral port range. Their use varies according to implementation and may include end-user device management. Blocking these ports protects customers from malicious activity, which may include data exposure or attacks against the end user devices.

Port 61001/TCP: Internet Protocol Detail Record (IPDR) is a specification used to collect information from end user devices including device configuration data. Blocking TCP port 61001 prevents certain types of malicious activity including data exposure and end user device attacks.

Does AT&T restrict the types of devices that customers can use with its mass market broadband internet access services?

AT&T makes available to its customers a variety of network interface equipment for use with the broadband internet access services we deliver to homes and businesses, many of which are Wi-Fi enabled. We also make available a variety of additional tools, equipment and services to assist our customers in configuring the local network access in their home or business to meet their particular needs. This allows AT&T customers to use devices of their choice (PCs, Smartphones, Tablets, Smart TVs, etc.) to connect to the broadband internet access services at their home or business via Wi-Fi, via the existing wiring at their premises or via such other compatible local networking technology as they may choose to select.

Customers of our mass market mobile services may attach 4G- and 5G-capable devices of their choice to our mobile broadband internet access services, so long as the devices are FCC-approved, compatible with the technology used in our mobile network, eligible on the customer’s plan, and do not harm our network or other users. AT&T has retired its 2G and 3G networks and we will not activate 2G-only and/or 3G-only capable devices. Our wired and Wi-Fi networks require compatible Ethernet or Wi-Fi capable devices. AT&T generally does not support IEEE2 802.11b or earlier Wi-Fi protocols. Devices must also be used in a manner consistent with our terms of service and Acceptable Use Policy. For example, some data plans are designated for use with only a basic phone or smartphone, in which case customers may not use their device to provide an internet access connection to other equipment/devices (such as computers, netbooks, tablets, IOT devices, other phones, USB modems, network routers, media players, gaming consoles, or other data-capable devices) by tethering, by SIM card transfer, or any other means. However, customers wishing to use their service with a mobile hotspot/tethering device may purchase a data plan that already includes such use.

What tools does AT&T provide and what practices has AT&T adopted to help customers manage and secure local or in-home networks?

AT&T provides customers using its mass market wired and fixed wireless broadband internet access services (excluding AT&T Internet Air for Business) with tools to help them configure, manage, and secure their local or in-home networks. These tools provide customers information regarding the status of their internet service, the devices connected to their local or in-home network, and the performance and security of that network. They also provide recommendations on how to optimize and improve customers’ local or in-home network performance, such as by identifying Wi-Fi weak spots. The tools also enable customers to identify, understand, and manage potential problems and security threats that could affect their local or in-home network, and the devices connected to that network.

Data Collected to Support Local or In-home Network Management. AT&T’s local or in-home network management tools rely on data collected through the internet gateway device about the operation and performance of the local or in-home network, the devices connected to the network, and the traffic transiting the gateway. This data consists of non-personalized and/or anonymized technical and performance information and is used to help identify and alert customers to potential problems with or security threats to their local or in-home network. AT&T also uses this data to provide customers recommendations on how they can mitigate potential problems, better optimize their in-home network or respond to potential security threats.

Customers can access AT&T’s local or in-home network management tools through a variety of app and web-based portals, many of which allow customers to more easily control and/or personalize aspects of the internet gateway device. For example, through AT&T’s Smart Home Manager app, available as a download to Android or iOS devices or on the Web, customers can directly manage and personalize the in-home network name (SSID) and security settings for their main and guest Wi-Fi networks. For our residential fixed internet customers, AT&T also stores key customer home network settings so that, in the event of an internet gateway device failure or the need to reset and/or recover the internet gateway device, we can restore the customer’s settings.

Home Wi-Fi Optimization. On consumer internet gateway devices with more than one Wi-Fi radio, AT&T’s Smart Wi-Fi includes band steering software that helps to optimize Wi-Fi connectivity between the internet gateway device and Wi-Fi enabled devices within the home. When AT&T detects that a customer’s Wi-Fi settings on their internet gateway device are sub-optimal, we send recommendations to the customer on how to better optimize the in-home network.

Some of our latest internet gateway devices for consumer use include an additional 5GHz Wi-Fi radio that is primarily managed and configured by AT&T. In its default configuration, this additional Wi-Fi radio provides load sharing capability designed to offer Wi-Fi connected devices a greater share of airtime and faster data throughput. When a customer adds an AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender to their home network, Wi-Fi traffic is backhauled between the extender and the internet gateway device primarily using the 5Ghz band. For devices with the additional 5Ghz radio, AT&T Smart Wi-Fi is designed to utilize the second 5Ghz radio as a managed backhaul to connect and carry traffic between the AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s) and the internet gateway device.

AT&T Smart Wi-Fi also supports a solution to simplify the initial Wi-Fi authentication and setup on AT&T managed devices, such as the AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender and the AT&T TV device. When activated for the first time, AT&T devices which support this simplified Wi-Fi setup process will automatically connect via the AT&T managed Wi-Fi radio to authenticate with a provisioning server to seamlessly and securely receive the customer’s Wi-Fi credentials. This automated authentication and provisioning service is only able to access the provisioning server, isolated from the customers in-home network, and provides this capability only to AT&T managed devices specifically designed to support the automatic authentication process. If the AT&T managed device is not able to reach the provisioning server, customers will still be able to input their credentials manually using the applicable standard user interfaces.

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