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AT&T provides vast U.S. and global scope. |
International voice solutions are delivered in 240 countries, linking 400 carriers around the globe. |
Remote access solutions are provided from more than 19,500 points of presence in 149 countries. |
AT&T has one of the world's most advanced and powerful global backbone networks, which carries 4.6 petabytes of traffic on an average business day. |
The AT&T network includes 1,500 managed MPLS nodes in 80 countries. |
AT&T manages 75,000 MPLS customer ports. |
The AT&T network includes 28 data centers across the globe. |
The AT&T IP backbone network includes 410,000 fiber route miles. |
AT&T is a leading U.S. provider of IP access for residential and small-business customers, with 6.5 million DSL lines. |
AT&T provides Wi-Fi access at more than 18,000 hot spots in 42 countries globally (including company-owned and roaming locations). |
AT&T provides customers with a range of wireless voice and data capabilities. |
AT&T's industry-leading wireless network includes:
Superior spectrum availability in the nation's top 100 markets. |
A fully digital, GSM/GPRS infrastructure across its footprint. |
EDGE wireless broadband across its footprint. |
UMTS broadband, which is currently being deployed to deliver higher-speed broadband services in metro markets. |
AT&T provides access to more than 18,000 Wi-Fi hot spots in 42 countries globally. |
AT&T provides comprehensive wireless LAN/WAN solution options. |
AT&T delivers maximum performance for enterprise applications via a reliable, global and application-aware networking environment. |
The AT&T network leads industry performance on key metrics, delivering consistent "always on" availability.
15 percent better latency than industry average. |
Near-perfect packet delivery — the highest sustained consistency in industry. |
The AT&T network delivers the industry's most comprehensive predictive, preventive and proactive fault management.
Dual diverse cable routes into all POPs. |
Redundant hardware configurations. |
AT&T delivers industry-leading SLAs at network, server, application and transaction levels.
Patented MPLS-monitoring tools. |
Advanced intelligence for performance and traffic management. |
AT&T delivers network solutions with a common global management platform, enabling fast delivery of integrated solutions in a highly customized fashion. |
The new AT&T VPN solutions are designed to enable all solutions over IP.
AT&T has a unique infrastructure supporting application-aware networking. |
Dynamic Network ApplicationsSM "plug and play" with VPN, offering flexible features, pricing and administration. |
New AT&T VPN solutions enable easy, fast integration of multiple-access technologies, allowing businesses to evolve toward IP while taking advantage of existing network resources. Support wireless/wireline integration, Frame Relay, ATM, Private Line, SONET, DSL and optical solutions. |
New AT&T infrastructure provides many customers with real-time, online control of solutions and support. |
Speed, accuracy and flexibility in deploying new applications. |
On-demand provisioning.
Shortens order cycle time. |
Improves accuracy by 20 percent. |
Speeds installation by 30 percent. |
Ability to optimize networking environment to meet evolving needs.
BusinessDirect portal provides a holistic view of solutions and performance. |
e-Bonding fully automates trouble-reporting and network-management processes, nearly eliminating the need for human intervention. |
Customers looking to expand or add to their communications services will have the opportunity to realize new benefits based on their total communications program spend across the AT&T portfolio. |
AT&T will continue to honor all existing contractual obligations. |
Customers looking to expand or add to their communications services will have the opportunity to realize new benefits based on their total communications program spend across the AT&T portfolio. |
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