Unlock requirements
The following criteria must be met to unlock an AT&T device.
Device purchased 60+ days ago
Your AT&T device must have been purchased more than 60 days ago. It can’t be active on another AT&T account.
Device paid in full
Your device was paid in full when purchased or paid off through an installment plan. Your installment balance must be zero before unlocking.
Device not reported lost/stolen
Your device hasn't been reported lost, stolen, or involved in fraud.
Account must be current
If you’re a current AT&T customer, your bill cannot be past due. To make a payment, sign in to your account.
AT&T Prepaid
AT&T Prepaid® phones with six months of service can be unlocked.
Deploying for active duty?
Unlock before paying off your device. When you submit your unlock request, let us know that you’re deploying, then submit your deployment docs via email.
Business-owned devices
Business devices that are on a contract can be unlocked once the service commitment term has ended.